Friday, April 18, 2014

Vacuum fluctuations in imply quantization all the way up

In quantum physics, a quantum vacuum fluctuation (or quantum fluctuation or vacuum fluctuation) is the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space,[1] as explained in Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle.
According to one formulation of the principle, energy and time can be related by the relation[2]
\Delta E \Delta t \approx {h \over 2 \pi}

Cannot have it both ways. If the vacuum is quantized then all your forces going up the chain obey group theory.
Quantum fluctuations may have been very important in the origin of the structure of the universe: according to the model of inflation the ones that existed when inflation began were amplified and formed the seed of all current observed structure.

Which makes this theory incorrect.

Quantum effects that are consequences only of quantum fluctuations, not of subtleties of measurement incompatibility, can alternatively be models of classical continuous random fields.

Is the counter claim. I will look into this. But my initial reaction is that maximum entropy will not hold as the noise remain at every level and sets the bandwidth of each measurement that are power multiples. This is Nyqust and Shannon, look at the equation. If the measurements do not make a maximum entropy chain then the proton is way to accurate not to notice, and will collect the fractions. If we think gravity can overcome the neutron, then look at the Compton equivalent mass of the gravity wavelength. Gravity Lagrange points would have to be made of anti protons in intermixed with the neutrons, and they would likely make a Higgs wave and fly away.

I put my precision charts to the right in the Phase Theory summary page. The proton accuracy is 1/vacuum noise.

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