Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Waves in space are ellipsoidal?

Yep, along their line of travel, because they do not have an efficient multiply. The electron wave number and the magnetic wave number seem to disagree on the proper radius of a sphere.  The one almost has it in one direction, but the other has been redoing the radius transversal. It almost makes a mockery of the idea that Bosons get along.

When fermion nulls  stabilizes phase to its mass number, there is slight error.  But since the phase can pack in two directions, the error is split, and the -iLog(i) for each packing is closer than any  single packing can do.

A boson usually comes from adjacent mass numbers, and can stabilize phase with one of two radii, thus supporting two wave numbers.  That lets the photon travel. Bosons have higher bandwidth.

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