Sunday, April 13, 2014

What about digital inflation of the universe?

We know the error from unity, 1 - .9999556, and we know the vacuum certainly has enough vacuum samples per Plank to remove that error, and that came to about 14 bits of precision relative to the sample rate of light. So we boost the clock rate by 15 or 16 bits and we get the periodic table and the physicists get their Quark matrix.  At the zeroeth order, there is no better path to minimum phase, the inflation stops.

We already know that the galaxies at the edge have periodic tables, we can tell from their light emissions. So, no, any digital expansion has long since stopped.
This theory breaks down over long distances, both in theory and in reality. That is the constant conundrum. It says we have to start counting in fractions of the largest integer; and I am not sure how tat works.

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