Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Band stops in the universe

Anyone find it odd the IBM got the temperature of sodium to 6e6 meters in wavelength, about the size of a planet? That is about the wavelength of gravity that supports a Lagrange point in space. The proton is stuck in a bandwidth well, it is stable. Interesting how that happens, and how lucky it happen in one go around with the Big Bang?

Anyway, I bring it up because the travelling wave never has enough nulls in free space to stabilize.  If the Planck curve is an entropy filter the the travelling wave is its inverse.  We may have a simple method of constructing the travelling wave function using the inverse Planck curve. So, in the reverse process, the travelling wave counts down in surface area, from high quants to low, moving the intended center of the sphere forward as it attempts to enclose the smaller and smaller volume.

 I think we can work this and greatly simply the whole oolynomial wave equation. The key is a phase shifted B and E quantum match which continually rolls over the quant numbers. Go back to the sphere packing Plank's curve, and rotate the signal to noise through the quantum number that define the bandwidth of the wave.  You will continually regenerate a smoother version of the peak of that curve. Just define the axis of movement along the moving center of a series of spherical waves forming and degenerating along the travel line. Using the same geometry as here, we could easily draw the wave in three space. I mean the sphere packing Planks curve should have all the elements of physics, we really do not need much more. If you want to change space curvature, just change the three space step size. If you want to add noise, just add a noise term to SNR, which you are carrying along. Adding Nulls to free space is the same as increasing SNR, and it flattens free space.

We can even generate out atomic orbitals with the Plank curve as long as we carry the frequency in a matrin and use exponential matricies.  Split the SNR among the dimensions of the wave function. Then take your atomic curve, multiply it into overlapping bands, turn the crank and make molecules.

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