Sunday, May 18, 2014

Befuddled, baffled and bewildered

The parts are in front of me, but just out of my reach.  I want others to complete the puzzle and leave me with pretty pictures and swirls and twists and wonder.

Like for instance, avogradro is 2^79-1, 79 being a prime naturally, and thus the total entropy in the system. This ends up in the exponent of a Boltzman distribution.  Then they compare this to the average motional energy of one atomic mass, which naturally will have Avogadro in it since that matches to carbon which matches Higgs. So, I get no where trying to sort out the duplicates and get back to the canonical version. Then they introduce entropy again in the partition function.

And the degrees of freedom!

They have nothing to do with x and y, they are there because we have a Sun, we have a Sun because free protons no how to get around town. Free protons know how to get around town because the vacuum has reserved two quantum numbers as a guide. The vacuum can do that because it comes in three bubble sizes. Why did the vacuum do that?

Why this number line?

Is the two and three mainly because of free space curvature? How did the precision of free proton come to match the precision of the trapped proton? Is that always the case? Do billiard balls do the same thing? Can we have a univese that packs ellipsoids at 2,3,5? Is there an equivalent 'most irrational' number for that? Is there a Hurwitz ratio made of sqrt(7)?

Never get anywhere with the fake variables:

Like, OK, get real.  Just give me the finite number line being used, dump time and distance and the kilogram thing, please. Normalize temperature to a sample rate power function. Have the mathematicians  define the ruler and be done with the whole complication.

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