Thursday, May 8, 2014

Beltrami equation

When the change in w along an axis of symmetry equals the change in w relative to the scale factor, essentially. It is a relativity thing, when is a slight change in your coordinate system indistinguishable from a slight change in the thing counted.

There is the group of folks, Atomic Precision, who start with this equations. They claim there is no perfect symmetry in physics, and they are right. There must always be a slight coupling to balance group separation. The name of the game to a slight curvature must always exist in any counting system. That curvature I call Signal to Noise in a finite sampling system.

Here is a solution that lets us map u from one set of coordinates to another.  F is the mapper that let takes the u system to some v system, and the two corrdinate system are oriented the same, with respect to z.

Why do they use complex numbers? It is the same as using dual rate quantizers. Complex numbers are a short hand method calculating with strongly divisible systems. We are getting to the Nitty Gritty of it all, my brain is not quite up to the task.

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