Saturday, May 31, 2014

Why is the Plancks curve balanced the way it is?

The proton is marked between Nulls of:
 (3/2)^89 to  (3/2)^108 to (32/)^127

The exponent are 89+19 and 89 + 19 + 19

Why those primes?  They are big and close to the origin of the number lie, it is that simple. Go play with my spectrum on the page to the right.

Those products in the right side of the Zeta all form a separable digit system, they can divide and multiply.  Hence they are a minimum redundancy group organizer.

The quant errors for 89, where the electron goes, is 9e-3, for the 108, where the proton is is 9e-5, and the Heisenberg number is 127 at 9e-3.

19 does well with multiply because is counts the largest number of things near the multiplicative identity.  89 and 127 are both primes, so there is a prime balance, a 19 digit set on either side of the proton.
Isn't there another prime balance out there? Somewhere, sure, but will it balance with a 108 = 2*2*3*3*3 in the middle?

108 +- 19 is the best shot for a three sphere packer. And on either side, the most irrational number lines up for a balanced 16 digit digit system, perfect for Nyquist sampling. We get 16 digits of whole number, and their fractions for multiply.

But, 91 + 16 = 107, a little tight for a full 16 bit computer, the clock rate will slip.  Well we gave the vacuum spin, so its really a 15 bit computer. Then we did a shift, by adding 3/2. Blame Higgs.

Is this enough bits to do quantum entanglement? Sure, with a 1/3 charge plus a spin, as long as the messages are 1/2 and the massage length less than a few hundred meters.

But why is Planck uncertainty so small if all we have is a 15 bit computer? Because this is not uncertainty, the vacuum is very certain about what it is doing. Bit errors are about .0001/Avogadro, caused by the imprecision in the sample rate of light.  The reason an Avogadro of bubbles is stable is because they are in less than 15 countable groups.

All of physics is the result of the utility of multiply. The Gluons get most of the bits:
 2* 11 + [3+3+1]/11+ [3+3+1]/11^2; The .7 * 11 is a continued fraction, it can just take power series of itself endlessly.
Vitaly is going to tells us this is his secret 22.7.
The Gluons and quarks count out the orbitals. We get a 2 to multiply the gluon 11, so no quarks get a 2. That leaves 3,3,1 for the quarks. So, we get 11 bits to the gluon, three bits, one per quark.  And one bit to flip electron spin. Since the electron is in independent motion, it just counts out its 19 bits of Null.

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