Thursday, June 5, 2014

Egad, Mersenne prime, triangular numbers and quarks

Like 2^16(2^17-1)

This has to do with the 108-91 = 17 in the quant numbers at the peak of the proton.  Not some magic, but some result of making the quarks masses. So this must all be related to the third Lagrange number.

The result comes from matching the finite logs, at a power of 17,of the two wave and null digit systems. It generates a 16 bit digit system made of  2^17 -1 measures.

It has something to do with mixing quarks in groups of three because these also make triangular number and nanogonal numbers.  17 also makes a Mersenne prime, says Wiki.

Dunno if I can sort this out. But somewhere between the Higgs mechanism and the proton peak, another spectral mode broke up the count into units of:
 2^17 -1. I did not see this in the standard model In Wiki, so far, but I am not that deep. But the 17 digit seqeucne from 2^17 to 2^1 is the log of their product,  which says not much more than they measure the entropy of the system.

There is more, but it all basically relates to the third spectral mode and the fact that the first three irrational numbers  are used in the system.

It is the way the quarks add up. 4*27 = 108 and  8*9 = 72. 72 + 36 = 108   
Remember the Neutron is 2u + d and the proton u + 2d and a neutron - a proton = one electron. So we can see why the quarks have to be triangular numbers to make quark addition work. The peak spectrum has to be decomposable in the three bases that make up the three irrational numbers.

Looking at Mersenne primes, in the mass numbers: 127,107,89 seem to mark the boundary of the atom, oddly. 19 seems popular in my spectral chart. 19,127,89 all seem to have the same Compton precision, that is, the error that result from converting a fractional wave-null match to an integer match, in the wave exponent.

We have: 89 + 19 = 107.  108 + 19 = 127.  These all appear in the denomiator of the product form of the Zeta function.  What we have is the missing link between the order of the Lagrange number and the Mersenne prime, some missing math theory that would earn a Banana.
There are two Fibonacci series, the small and large I call them. Each spectral mode was a shift and cancel, so to speak, to make the null quants stabilize the orders of the irrational powers. So we end up, for example, with one set using 3,8,11,19; and the other using 2,5,7,12, 19; so some combination. All the polynomials involved are defined by recurrence relations. The net result is a 16 bit digit system which is constructed from three different base solutions to the hyperbola equation in the Langrange system. It is all a out of my league, at the moment..

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