Tuesday, June 17, 2014

OK, then, what about the fine structure constant?

It look like it is defined as the square root of free space impedance, which is the power spectra of the orbitals. Its square root is the first moment, the bandwidth in units of quants, of deviation, which seems to be about 19. They tell me the fine structure is about 137 = 1/(alpha)., or about .36 of the total bandwidth, in units of power, or 30% of the total width in quants (first moment).  That indicates to me, using my simple statistics, that fine structure is simply tells us how much of the bandwidth (in units of quants) is outside the standard one deviation point.  That is, assume the power spectra is  Gaussian, one standard deviation is about 65% of that, leaving 35% for the sqrt(fine spectra).  The Plank charge must be the standard deviation of the bandwidth, therefore.

So, how much of the bandwidth is really caused by charge? Probably about 65% of it, or one Plank's charge. The total available is determined by the bandwidth (in quants) of the gluon, 2*(Phi^n - Nulls^m), in the gluon wave. I mean, the gluon is the center of action, it sets center quant and quant span  for orbital kinetic energy.

So take Mr. Plancks 11 bits of quant deviation, divide by 3, it has three degrees of freedom, and we get about 3.5 units of phase shift over the whole 19 units of wave.  Of that, about 1 are likely due to spin, motion, and other quark modes, leaving us with about 2.5 units of wave shift for charge, a number that seems reasonable. It gives me the original 17  plus my 2.5, and square that I get power spectra at about 377.

The notable differences.  This is not gaussian spectra it is spectra in a third degree polynomial, composed of one, two and three degrees of freedom. The whole system seems to be a 16 bit wave bandwidth (in quants), counting relative to the center frequency, with packing gain due to the third order polynomial. Motion, then, seems to be the fourth order polynomial produce of the surface anomaly in the unit one times the third order bandwidth spectra. It should be treated as noise in the channel. I do not think it will show up in the spectra of EM light.

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