Sunday, June 29, 2014

Reverse, confusing, magic from economists

Here it is.  Volcker raising rates and inflation went right up with rates.  What's the problem? When the central banker quits making money by lending to idiots, there is less money extracted from the economy, price is the numerator in the economy. So with the Fed extracting less money, the prices stabilize, generally higher. There are fewer piles of money near the Fed, where the fed is lending like crazy, and those piles of money go into the economy and reset prices.  Why is this so complicated?

Why did Volcker do this?
We had a real oil shortage; the price of oil, relative to other goods was way to low and out of balance. Bankers wanted prices to reset higher, to match the oil shortage. No banker in his right mind is going to lend money with a severe oil shortage. They convinced Volcker to get the hell out of the lending market.  He quit lending, he quit extracting money from the economy.  Interest rates reset higher, prices reset higher, and all was normal.  Bernanke did the same thing.  Who had this bozo idea that less lending by the fed reduces inflation, it never happens. It is mostly the fed lending too much that causes the fed to get rich and the economy to have a money shortage, that is disinflation, in the economy.  Where did the reverse magical thinking ever come from?

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