Thursday, July 17, 2014

The last puzzle of gravity

By now I think we can assume there is no empty space that holds a gravitational field, that was simply a mathematical necessity.  The simplest quantized constituents comprise the vacuum and gravity must be constructed from them, it is another part of the Null and Phase bubbles with the simplest degree of freedom, a mere 1/2 quant standing phase gradient. We have questions about the bandwidth of phase exchange, the shape of bubbles, and the curvature of the vacuum, but gravity should be comprehensible without that part completed.

What we know is that the lack of mutual kinetic energy between protons makes gravity. A small asteroid has it, humans have gravity, what makes a collection of mutually stable protons emit a gravity gradient in the phase of the vacuum?

The proton is flat, it has captured phase imbalance in the form of particle motion and unit spheres.  The proton adapts, in this state, to the vacuum curvature with a simple quantum entanglement gradient, likely reaching a few hundred meters. This quantum entangle gradient barely carries a degree of motion. Is this standing quantum entanglement gradient related to gravity? Do a collection of protons without mutual motion synchronize their quantum entanglement, like a synchronized radio antenna?

What happens when two small asteroids in the vacuum are within reach? There is a slight asymmetry induced in the entanglement field.  They make a tiny null point between them, a small Lagrange, which is a slight gradient along their mutual axis.  Where does the energy come from to induce motion in the objects? They extract it from the asymmetry induced in the local vacuum curvature, that gradient is potential energy. If the bodies are large compared to the asymmetry then the motion is a spiral toward each other. So, I think the theory of gravity works in the quantized, curved vacuum theory.

Somewhere along the road the universe managed a Hamiltonian between the vacuum curvature and the proton.

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