Saturday, August 30, 2014

No, Stanley Jaki, physics will certainly use simple math

Stanley Jaki, in his 1966 book The Relevance of Physics, pointed out that, because any "theory of everything" will certainly be a consistent non-trivial mathematical theory, it must be incomplete. He claims that this dooms searches for a deterministic theory of everything.[27] In a later reflection, Jaki states that it is wrong to say that a final theory is impossible, but rather that "when it is on hand one cannot know rigorously that it is a final theory."[28]

This is wrong, mainly because in sub atomic physics the IQ of the elementary thing is  1.5.  Any unit sphere in atomic physics likely get only two things balanced for every three things exchanged.    Hence, it is not very parallel in its operations. Ultimately, I think we will be able to describe the proton without using any integer number higher than 32 and without using any fractions other than 1/2 or 1/3. Its a simple fact that the vacuum has only a small reach, each exchange it does likely connects less than five neighboring parts of the vacuum.

Take my spectral chart for example. I have irrational Phi, the golden ratio and exponents up to 127.  But that was me the human, using infinite math to approximate the simplicity of nature. I was mostly fumbling and experimenting.  But the vacuum itself, was using a rational fraction, and an exponent not much bigger than 17. The vacuum then switched to a second rational fraction, analogous to the second Lagrange.  Add in the third Lagrange, also a rational fraction, and all told, I doubt the vacuum uses a total exponent greater than 16, and of that is only uses is in four consecutive ratios not exceeding five.

Is it possible to use elaborate math and show the vacuum always uses small numbers? Hard, it is easier to simply use the stupidity of the vacuum and prove it know nothing more than five, and five is a lucky guess for the vacuum. 

Or consider charge, as an inverse r^2 function. Hard to prove how that works, but once we realise that all thing are spherical, then we can see the r^2 comes from tangential motion of a wave summed up.  The r^2 comes from finite differences. The vacuum does not use integrals. The vacuum can do 1/2 and 1/3 fractions, mostly because the  vacuum constituents come in triples, and one is inert. Fuzzy balls, spinners, charge and quarks all result from these simple difference in vacuum components. Inside the unit sphere, the vacuum can only maximally separate three independent flows. Look at the periodic table, hardly a multiple of five in mass. We do not see five in nature until we get to complex biochemistry.

The entire spectrum of mass motions is no more than  five.  Look at atomic orbitals, four quantum numbers and they rarely count to more than four. The entire system is built on the concept that things that do not fit fly away as light. Even the Higgs mechanism only happens because bubble can only deform into ellipsoids, that set the complexity of motions. The vacuum does not even know square roots, much less cube roots.  It has these roots approximated by ratios, and all ratios are made from, combinations of extra coagulants.  The roots are simply bounded, and kinetic energy naturally finds better approximations. Spherical composites rule simply because the vacuum can barely manage two degrees of freedom, and radial symmetry is best when it only has three different constituents.

Even phase offsets, or imaginary numbers are impossible. The unit sphere cannot hold one exchange in abeyance to exchange the order of events. It has no queue management in exchanges. I doubt gravity makes more than 40 exchanges a second, slower than an ancient modem. The proton is everywhere, simply because there are so few starting points and the process so simple that only a few stable outcome are possible. And there seems to be a shortage of Higgs nulls in the universe.

 The vacuum works works because squeezing in anything unstable is too complex for a simple vacuum.

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