Friday, August 8, 2014

Toilet paper earns more than the one year treasury note

These are month to month price indices, the change in the price of consumer goods from one month to the next, in percent. So, the government bean counters run around the country and price stuff,  one of the things priced is toilet paper. 

We can see that toilet paper rarely drops in price, there are only four episodes where the price of toilet paper went down from one month to the next. There are about five episodes where the price of toilet paper was stable over the month.  Almost everywhere, then, the price of toilet paper rose from month to month.  Compouned out to the yearly rise in price, toilet paper earns about 1.8%; and the US Treasury one year earns .09%.

So buy a years supply of toilet paper and store it if you have room. It is lightweight and easy to carry. Use it as needed, but always keep a years supply. Watch this site, I will inform you when the US government is worth more than toilet paper.

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