Thursday, October 2, 2014

Take 137, for example

It is 136+1 which is 17*8+1. OK, So I think if 137 is the sample limit of light, then knows a short power series r^3 + r^2 + r + 1 with r = 2*17^(1/3).
This gets me 17*4 and 17*108, makes my day.  I can make a recurser to build powers of 17.  Everything gets back to small powers of at most third order.

Why 17?  It was me, I used the Fibonnaci tool to align my number set with the physicists.  In the real vacuum rational numbers, likely all integers, all of them part of a recursive sequence.

So, the vacuum ends up with three aggregates of the vacuum, a precomputed set of three numbers anywhere, and defined by recursive adds.  The number is three because this is sphere packing. The rational ratio, p/q, which makes the recursion, makes the entropy of exchange, defines its spectrum. That spectrum is the exchange variation rate of the original tiny set of three bubbles. It is the variation of motion at the tiniest level. The 17 is me, matching that ratio, but the vacuum has run through the lower value counts of sets, or independent ways to combine aggregates. It only needs the first few separable groups to make the sphere match the tinies  because something in the universe keeps the bubbles polished. It has matched both ends, uncertainty and motion needed to maximally pack a sphere. This is just trying to do physics with finite bandwidth and using combinatorics.
The assumption is minimal redundancy. The aggregates should form a digit system that counts path length through a minimal spanning tree.

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