Friday, November 14, 2014

Quarter by quarter budgeting in the Swampland

WA Post: Instead of passing a spending bill in the coming days that would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year, Republicans are considering a short-term measure that would expire early next year, according to more than a dozen top lawmakers and their aides who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

A fantastic idea.  Obama would embrace the idea if he had any brains.  Get the lazy Senate off their ass, roll up the sleeves, put on the eye shades and start budgeting quarter by quarter.  They would find short term savings, require less long term funding, move down the yield curve, save on save interest costs and accumulate some working cash.

Especially get those deadbeat affirmative action bimbos from California to start earning their pay.

The curve would straighten out, velocity increase and NGDP would grow by 4% a year.  This is the Bubba Clinton method, embrace it. To Democrats want to spend their time waving the Book and singing glory to DC?  Try being a friggen legislature and executive for once, worthless politicians in DC are a pain in the ass. The California legislature might watch, maybe their IQ will jump above five points for once.

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