Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ricardo Lara, bonehead California Legislator

El Mesajero: The Democratic senator from Bell Gardens, Ricardo Lara revealed that he is about to introduce a bill to create in California, the Office of New Americans to help immigrants, regardless of their status, to integrate better into society.

"Ignoring our immigrant communities is irresponsible and unrealistic, especially for a state that has the largest population of undocumented immigrants in the country," said Senator Lara on his return from Washington, DC where he met at the White House with immigrant advocates to discuss President Obama's executive action.

He said that the Office of New Americans in California will help the undocumented population with resources, information, and assistance for the prevention of fraud, and better integrate economic, social and political status.

Since Jerry and Nancy instigated articles of secession, we are all New South West Americans.   For the first time in history, Californians can claim to be as confused as the California legislature.   It feels great to be free! So why brainwash us into returning to colonialism under a bunch of carpetbaggers 3000 miles away?

No queremos ser ciudadanos de DC. Tenemos nuestra propia naciĆ³n.

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