Sunday, December 7, 2014

This looks very Unkeynesian to me

Why were both the Bush and Obama job results delayed by 12 months then 18 months in the top chart?

Check the blue line in the second chart, DC spending numbers.  Note when spending flattened, Job growth began, in 2010.  In the Bush chart, government spending never flattened.  In fact, government spending was accelerating, up, all the way through the crash.

This recession was caused by a eight year Republican spending binge, and Obama errored in his first year in office.  The multiplier for spending in DC is way low, the place is worthless.

The chart came from Kevin Drum, and then we hear from all the Keynesians praising the stimulus.  Where is the stimulus in that chart?  It was the last government binge. When it stopped, private job growth began.

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