Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Let's apply the Oliver Blanchard theory of statistics to the IMF, shall we?

Now Oliver proves, using his method of reverse causality, the planners who think fiscal multipliers are less than one, will consistently under estimate growth.  Hence, fiscal multipliers must be greater than one.

Anybody do a study on the IMF? Why yes, Zero Hedge, on many occasions.  And they discover that the IMF consistently overestimates growth.  The IMF believes multipliers are greater than one.  Any conclusion? Well one, Oliver Blanchard is an idiot, he must have come from MIT where they teach reverse causality.  I suggest MIT stick to basket weaving and pottery, things they can figure out.

Meanwhile, any politician who advocates funding for the IMF, must be immediately unelected, by the theory of reverse causality.

There is no single organization that has put out worse research then the IMF, using the most horrible statistical methods, mostly pioneered by Cristina Romer, the architect of the disaster known as the American Recovery Act. 

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