Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Online currencies and web link correlation functions

The search bots are ideal central bankers, they find minimal spanning trees among on line transaction makers. So it a small step  for the bots to offer pricing insurance units to self correlated purchasing networks, including the ability of participants to lend and save these units.  The whole system integrated into the search machine.  Hundreds of these central banker bots dedicated to hundreds of mostly self correlated distribution networks.  They will be integrated seemlessly, participants not knowing how these units of price insurance came to be. The entire derivative industry will be massively simplified.

But the ability to save and borrow units of price insurance will become an essential part of web transactions. They offer all market participants the optimum no arbitrage solution for inventory flow.   They will also be an integral part of web intelligence. The system will also make multi-currency smart cards an essential ingredient of brick and mortar stores.  The time is now, pricing no longer works when limited to the four major, unstable currencies.

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