Saturday, January 24, 2015

Wilson worse than LBJ?!?

Dave Stockman was a chief advisor to the alzheimer president. He was best known for presenting Reagan with colored circles to represent the budget, since Reagan was unable to count. And of course, Reagan started the whole deficit spending, economy crashing Republican platform.
David Stockman: My humble thesis tonight is that the entire 20th Century was a giant mistake.
And that you can put the blame for this monumental error squarely on Thomas Woodrow Wilson——-a megalomaniacal madman who was the very worst President in American history……..well, except for the last two.
His unforgiveable error was to put the United States into the Great War for utterly no good reason of national interest. The European war posed not an iota of threat to the safety and security of the citizens of Lincoln NE, or Worcester MA or Sacramento CA. In that respect, Wilson’s putative defense of “freedom of the seas” and the rights of neutrals was an empty shibboleth; his call to make the world safe for democracy, a preposterous pipe dream.
Actually, his thinly veiled reason for plunging the US into the cauldron of the Great War was to obtain a seat at the peace conference table——so that he could remake the world in response to god’s calling.

Well, in response, certainly the Bush family makes horrible presidents.  But Obama, given the disaster the lil Bush handed over, actually has the best economic and foreign policy of any modern president, I place him above Bill Clinton.

I would definitely say the worst presidents of all were the atom bomb dropping Truman and genocidal killer LBJ.  Nixon is up there.

Wilson was not only a nutcase, but he forgot where Europe was, invading Mexico by mistake.  Maybe he was slightly worse than Nixon, at best. So lets make a list, from horrible to tolerable.

List of nutcase presidents from nutty to slightly less nutty:

  • LBJ
  • Wilson
  • Truman
  • Nixon
  • Reagan
  • Any of the Bushes

Now, as we can see, something happened with Carter, a megalomaniac for sure, but something about small state governors make them tolerable presidents.  Bill Clinton proves the thesis.  But, since Carter, democratic presidents have outperformed. The problem Republicans have is voting on the recent record.  If only they could run against LBJ, but how does a Republican tar Hillary with the LBJ policies?  Hillary is clearly a bonehead with regard to foreign policy, so that is one strike.  But what is the alternative? Republicans who declare weekly wars? California now has two choices, since we are officially united with Mexico.

How about this. Can we just take four years off and have no president?

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