Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Scott Walker meets with Republican Communist Reaganites;decides deficits don't matter.

Scott Walker to attend private dinner with supply-siders in New York
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is scheduled to attend a private dinner Wednesday with longtime advocates of supply-side economics.
The gathering, set for the upscale “21” Club in Manhattan, is the latest effort by the potential Republican presidential contender to bolster his relationships with the GOP’s anti-tax wing. It also reflects the interest business-friendly conservatives have in his possible candidacy, in spite of the recent ascent of former Florida governor Jeb Bush.

Will Dick 'Deficits don't matter' Cheney attend?  I am sure the Scott will come from the meeting with a plan to double the national debt, he is a Republican after all.

The nightmare socialist economy under Ronald Reagan, Communist:

How did the famous Republican Alzheimer's president do?

Well, the blue line, deficit spending, down is bad, went down. He ran the deficit up to 5% of the economy, and the only president to do worse was Jeb's brother, the other deficit spending Republican communist, and we crashed.

And, like all Republicans communist rats, Reagan ran the federal government spending, the red line, up to 24% of the economy, not other communist in recent American history had done more spending in DC.   Note that Carter left the deficit 1.6% short of a surplus, and we would never perform that well until Clinton ran a surplus, the only president to do so in recent memory. And Carter left DC spending at 21% of the economy, Reagan, the Communist never came close.

Then, two quarters after Reagan was inaugurated in Jan 1981, he had run the economy into the ground in the worst recession until Jeb's brother shows up.

So, explain to me why anyone with a sense of the economy would elect Scott Walker when he has already promised to run up the deficit and crash the economy?

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