Monday, March 23, 2015

Kevin Drum lies with numbers

He uses this chart to compare Texas with its neighbors, only to find the second largest economy in the nation has the mean unemployment with respect to its smaller neighbors. Well, waddya know!

I have a better chart. Since Kevin's post title is the California miracle, lets compare the second largest state with the largest state, shall we?
There we have it, unemployment between California and Texas, a very sound comparison.  Note that California actually started the recession, and carried it farther as a result of California's fraudulent public sector pension system.  California was, in fact the overall worst performer throughout the post recession cycle.  Texas mainly carried the economy for most of the past five years.

Election Fraud Season is upon us

It is election time and we will get mostly foul statistics and outright fraud from the Kevin Drums, Brad Delongs, Dean Bakers, Art Laffers, and all the Krugmans. I am sorry for the voter for the enormous fraud that must be sorted through. We seriously need a method to keep California as far away from the Federals in DC, including secession.  The California economy is likely to collapse from the enormous cost of electioneering fraud.

El fraude electoral y la mentira están sobre nosotros, de ambas partes. Estamos más allá de la ayuda y la desunión parece ser la mejor manera de salir del lío horrible.

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