Friday, April 17, 2015

Magnetism? and Lucas Apple trees?

I forgot all about that.  There is a sound magnetic theory based on precession and angular moment, using Newtons Grammar.

But another short answer is that the compressed bubbles do not make a good approximation of Pi, so the sphere is squashed. Bubble go circukar when Pi is bad, they have a shortage of precision. The leaves it up to the nucleus to build an chain of higher? Lagrange? bubbles up from the center through the flat sphere. These bubbles dissipate into the sphere shell, equalizing the vacuum  surrounding. So one ends up with a constant current flow and uniform compression of the sphere. I think these bubbles do the hyperbolic cotangent, and compression flows in from the vacuum.

Oddly I happened back onto the subject because of an economic article that mentioned something called Lucas Trees.  These are fruit trees at the edge of the sphere where young people having a high loan/deposit ratio go apple picking and deliver apples to the sphere with some uncertainty. When I was look at Samuelson's exact interest rate calculation, I used energy miners at the edge of the sphere to insert an uncertain boundary condition.   Good for Professor Lucas, he had the same idea.

But what keeps the trees fertilized? Old dead people who hit the winning cold position in the center of the sphere, their loan/depot ratio goes to zero.  What happens to their deposits? The sphere goes flatter, so I figured they must become fertilizer, but how to they get back to the sphere edge? Magnetism!

Where does the atom make apple pie from the apple pickers inventory? Quant 1.5 ln(Phi), where Pi is most accurate.  No one lives there, in my simply prime group I have quant 1 and 2 are home ports for old people and apple pickers respectively. Remember in my Wythoff game, the goal is to never win. Quant 0 is death, the winning cold position.  Quant 3 is getting stuck at home with mom and dad, the winning hot position. This is what I call the first prime group, and groups have primes and can become compound groups with mixed n-ary networks..

So can I convert those Greeks letter in Brownian motion into a game of Wythoff?  I doubt I can, too difficult. But there are some brilliant mathematicians who can. So I cheat, I use Newton's grammar and follow the Wiki formula for making a Brownian representation.
Odd how things connect when one thinks like an overlapping bubble, and thinking like a bubble is simple for me.

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