Sunday, May 3, 2015

Bernanke and the WSJ are both wrong

The editorial group at the Wall Street Journal and inn a back and vorth with Bernanke about what they call monetary policy. Zero Hedge has he complete review. Both are horrific liars.

Here is my problem. The WSJ is acting like a socialist brat who think DC should insurea all the dollar denominated wealth for thier readers.  And Bernanke is defending zilch because the Central Bank had been a feckless depatment of government for 20 years.

Everyone should be debating Golgman Sachs, whom I defend.  GS has taken the monumental task of guiding a horrific government balance sheet through a perilous delevering.  Goldman Sachs does a wonderful job protecting us from a Congress festered with lunatic Lafferonians, Kasnosians,  Moonutarians, Regoonians and Bushitis. GS have managed to build a wall between a normal economy and Californians gone mad. They have brought inflation to zero, the ten year rate to 2%, and they might even get us past the Kanosian eight year recession. Goldman Sachs controls DC by setting interest rates so Congress is stuck paying for what ever bafoonery they attempt. When Treasury leaves the farm for QE, Goldman Sach properly and promptly raises rate. And most importantly, GS has educated Obama very well.

So I say this, you want to debate monetary policy, debate Goldman Sachs, and I will back them up, they are an American asset, a protection of the American citizen from all manner of government fraud in DC, Sacramento and Albany.

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