Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dealing with the equipartition

We show any bijective set decomposition meets equipartion when the two period conditions are met.  Dip into the Fischer metric and show no gain in significance from taking sets three at a time.  This is Shannon bandwidth conditions, and we get hyperbolic straight away.

Then the standard physics of energy, momentum, work, acceleration and mass, those laws are conditions imposed by the finite three dimensional system. Mostly the Hamiltonian is a condition on the frame indices. They arise because P/Q and Q/P do not converge uniformly as they are rational.  Spacetime physics is all about aligning the frame, comparing it to quantized system then realigning the axis using the laws. Doing the relativity fix where p/q and q/p suddenly got more accurate.

No real multiplicative field, its all locally additive. That is minimum redundancy it keeps the bandwidth match, which is maximizing information or significance, or meeting Ito conditions, or make Riemann smooth enough.

The TOE is a big thing

This will be one of the top two or three events that mark civilization here, this is a leap. It changes our entire world view, makes honesty almost mandatory, creates brilliant artificial intelligence. If you took a survey of all intelligent life in the cosmos, the one category you want is, did they find the TOE. Finding the TOE marks the jump to super intelligence.

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