Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Federal pre-emptive surge against the Southwest Secessionists?

Jerry and Nancy have gone and dunnit it, started a civil war. It's always California starts these things.
Rasmussen Poll: As usual, recent mainstream media reporting on the controversy over the Jade Helm 15 military exercises, set to take place over eight weeks across several U.S. states, completely missed the point. Mainstream media focus was primarily about characterizing and demonizing Texans concerned about the exercises as backwater, paranoid rednecks with wild fantasies about an imminent government takeover. While exercises like these will always cause the imagination of some to run amok, the key point here is this: concerns that U.S. military exercises will be used to exert more power over states is not a fringe view.

¿Tiene el gobierno en Washington temen una secesión de California? ¿Ya cruzado el Rubicón?

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