Friday, May 29, 2015

Gavtity and fermion statistics

My guess:

Gravity is standing wave, intermixed with fermion statistics, going from earth to the L1 spot with Sun. The earth is the same kinetic energy it has when it was a band of proton dust in the original cloud. The tendency is to remove redundant interactions.  So the protons coalesce, but the proton being sufficiently accurate accommodates the line of symmetry created. That creates the quantum entanglement at the L1, the spot where interaction probability goes to zero. We get optimum queueing up to the L1 and that means fermion exchanges optimally queue up to the L1.  Proton distribution. That channel is impedance matched, up to the accuracy of the protons in organizing themselves.  There was never gravity in the spacetime sense, because there was never a spacetime.  All the kintetic energy just got reorganized. The protons simply keep the kinetic spectra matched within precision.

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