Friday, May 1, 2015

Speaking of tangent bundles and Ito and government

Does anyone think we can find a tangent bundle, or a consistent sequence which can keep the government function in a coherent summable form? We cannot No, because California and Texas switch places about every eight years.  That is one of the main causes of the recession cycle.

Now who should know this? How about the political economy department at Berkeley. They should be able to put that model together.  They will not, they are frauds. Now since Berkeley has failed to do their job almost every aggregate study of the government function since 1970 has been a statistical failure.

So, rather than prolong the 40 years of agony caused by the failure of the Berkeley economics department, I will take it upon myself to solve the combined G function for Texas and California, and show how we can include Florida, New York and Illinois.

What is the first step? The cities.  80% of thei economy are some 30 metropolitan economics units.  I am going to get the data series for each of these, over the last 40 years.  The I am going to Huffman encode it up to a fourth order power series.  Take the government budgets for each of the four major states, and divide out the city function, and encode the residual.   Now Texas and California will  have antisymmetric modes, and appear twice in the large state bundle, so they will have to sequence positions, once when they are cold and once when they are hot.  At that poing I can Ito integrate and differentiate all I want and tell you the probable cost of Berkely having failed in their job.

Does this work?
Damn right it works. I am doing spectral decomposition, first of actions common to cities. I can isolate them because the segment the distribution of actions by frequency and size, their function will be quite distinguishable, and I can encode the poer series up to the proper error because I can balance the hyperbolic angles.  The TOE is a dream.

Once I have that function solid, then I can do a whole lot of analysis never before available to ecoomist, because I can divide out that spectrum from any other spectrum under study. And my theory of tangent bundling by index sequence  works just fine because the error is a fixed point.  And in the residual, I will encode every foible, bungle, and boondogle of every large state government, and DC,  as it appears on the chart.  The boneheads will appear in sequence, with their inverses, be aligned on the ruled, identifiable and in the proper order. The TOE is the forensic tool of the century.

We can determine the cost of every bonehead move by all the bonehead politicians and their economists from Nixon to Cheney to to the Kanosians, the Laffers, the McCain warriors, defense spending hooligons, crazed NCLB, Obamacare, California energy price controls, publice sector pensions, all the price controls, social security hysteria and the lsit goes on.  They will all appear in sequence, on the ruler of shame.

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