Friday, June 5, 2015

Banker bot software structure

What is the software? It manages a probability tree, like a Huffman encoder, or the way Bitcoin manages a prime number tree. Lets see, here is some code like stuff:

int Liquidity(node,sample) {

if(node == 0)
L = result(node,sample)
L = Liquidity(node.right,sample) +  Liquidity(node.left,sample)

And result does either the Huffman count and rebalance, or ditto with second derivative, tanh for banker bot.  Or the prime thing with bitcoin.  It just crawls the tree and keeps it balanced by probability of occurance, up to some precision.

So, missing details there, but this post is about the whole picture.  Banker bot does this for many trees, a tree per currency. And banker bot bets the trees against each other.  The currencies are price ratios incoming from some sequential set of prices. The prices coming to smart card are really purchases or sales, of numbers from the trees.  The different currencies are typed by some national credit card association. Exchanges, sender and receiver, are qualified as specified by the exchange type..

All currencies can be money, exchanged on the spot without central supervision, and exchanged many times before reporting anything to a central clearing house.  Unless, that is, the currency or merchandise seller, specifies a more complete clearance. The key here, everything is locked inside the card, and your private key, public key are locked in their, its sealed. Your picture is on the thing, and bot can send a probability map of your face that makes you recognizable by any banker bot anywhere. Bot can keep a probability map of you fingerprint.

It is tamper proof, takes prices and maps them to the probability tree, That is all the real banker needs, it is like a spreadsheet function, really not much more.Everything is a probability tree.

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