Saturday, June 20, 2015

Spinning is popular

I was reading Dannica again and her model of spinning tops that follow a graph. So how did the spin model become popular?  It is an inferred kinetic motion, spin by definition is not directly observable.  Mass has spin, there is light propagation. The problem is there is twice as much non-light that is not propagating, cold positions I call them. Not enough exchanges to release light, a little black hole.  That spot is the spike at the fermi level in fermi statistics. There is no empty space, it may be that God pulled a fast one. We cannot exist without fermi statistics. So the bubbles of the universe have no option, they must be self compressed. Causility dictates the whole thing.

The magnetic field is simply a standard mechanism for back flow so the elasticity matches the  equipartition bisection.  Supper cool the atoms and the fermion statistics drop to its fermi level, no? Also if we dump empty space then we are locally combinatorial. The Second law, it seems, needs one unit of adaptation variance to maintain the entropy state, and needs more than one to continually remove redundancy. Thus causality maintained.

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