Saturday, June 20, 2015

Where I want to go on statistics

Tanh'' and Coth'' have the forms: Tanh/[2*(S^2+1)] and Coth/[2*(C^2-1)], if I have that rightwards.  These are the forms of fermion and boson statistics. But the Cosh and Sinh have a phase shift in the exponent, caused by the adaptation variance being greater or lessor than one. The adaptation variance is like chemical potential, think elasticity of exchanges. Minimum redundancy gets us relative exchange rate and that determines the equipartition bisection point for set recombinatorics. I think there is a discrete Poisson distribution, bound at either end. A tall order, and some mathematician is getting a Swedish Banana and huge quantities.

Chain of reasoning
T*T' is simply a term appearing in the probability distribution of a ratio.  T goes to one, T' is the incremental space needed for the probable T.

The form of T'' results because we impose the hyperbolic condition on the original variables. So this is just a condition that allows Feymans as an operator. So the hyperbolic condition defines the adapted state, the Gibbs state. No, I just checked, the Gibbs state assumes a fixed container, it has only one set of statistics. We should define this the Higgs entropy state and confuse everyone.

Except, the distributions are not infinite divisible. Two distributions on energy force or power actually, the fermion and boson.

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