Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Bill de Blasio: Think first, speak second

RT: Mayor de Blasio made the remarks while speaking on the sidelines of a two-day Vatican conference on climate change and human trafficking. He said the EU must come up with a Europe-wide immigration policy or stop pretending it’s a union.
"As a proud Italian-American, I am deeply troubled by the lack of action by the European Union and the way that Italy has been left to fend for itself very unfairly," said De Blasio in a statement, whose grandparents emigrated from Italy to New York.
For years, Italy has been demanding for the European Union to do more to help with the waves of migrants who board Europe-bound smugglers’ boats from Libya and elsewhere in northern Africa. Italy, along with Greece and Malta, are on the frontlines for new arrivals of peoples from African countries, which puts a huge strain on the three nations’ resources.
The EU has beefed up its Mediterranean rescue operations, but Italian demands that EU nations take in would-be refugees have stalled.
Bill would be less troubled if he would have thought about Texas, then modified his speech to do a better shift and dodge. Now Bill just got Republicans and half of Democrats discovering, again, what hypocrisy sound like.

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