Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dems rigging Onamacare for their constituents

National Review: The Cadillac tax was never going to be long-lived. It was a lie from the beginning, a part of the great fiction that allowed Democrats to claim that Barack Obama’s signature health-insurance initiative would add “not one dime” to the deficit, as the president repeatedly insisted. But the tax was and is bitterly opposed by important Democratic constituencies: the AFL-CIO and the American Federation of Teachers, the members of which enjoy very generous health-care programs (the teachers at your direct expense, suckers) and don’t much like paying taxes despite their endless nattering about the need to make sure everybody pays his “fair share.”
The teachers’ unions, it should be noted, are the biggest political spenders in the country — not the NRA, not the Koch brothers, not the Chamber of Commerce or Big Oil or Big Whatever.
As usual, Pelosi and the Obamacare fraudters had special agendas and side effects all planned to favor their side.  Ditching the Cadillac in election season? No problem.  Claim Obamacare was defecit neutral? Who were they kidding.

True healthcare economists knew about the scams from the get go and told us exactly what would happen.  Dems are going to lose the presidency for this fraud.

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