Monday, November 2, 2015

Nature is combinatorial

I think that is a main point of the theory of everything.  We can bound the set of combinations with a Newtonian surface, fine.  But we should also be able to bound the set as a grammar, rules of traversal on a graph, selection of  a random  sequence from a set of sequences.  In other words, if nature does it then we should have a matching Ito's calculus in the model.  So nature, by induction, nature has to obey equipartition, make the cotangent surface. That limits the basic grammars of nature.

There is no Newton's background grid. And that grid is simulated, locally.  So, the sequence pi, as we know it, is the sequence that makes Isaac's grammar work. That is the definition, and at any given interaction all parties must know that sequence.   In combinatorics there will be a set of sequences, pi, each of them defining a limited traversal grammar.

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