Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ray Dalio slays Magic Walrus

Financial Times: We are seven years into the expansion phase of the business/short-term debt cycle — which typically lasts about eight to 10 years — and near the end of the expansion phase of a long-term debt cycle, which typically lasts about 50 to 75 years.
What I am contending is that there are limits to spending growth financed by a combination of debt and money. When these limits are reached, it marks the end of the upward phase of the long-term debt cycle. In 1935, this scenario was dubbed "pushing on a string."
The monetary cycle is finite.   Ray Dalio is a socialist, he wants the  nanny central banker to manage his money.  Hence Ray Dalio knows when the socialists run out of poop.  He is talking this chart:
Pretty friggen obvious from this chart. Interest on loans flow back to the currency banker.  That much is friggen obvious to any economists not schooled in MIT Basket Weaving.

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