Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dean says 2008 dunnit

The world economy suffers from pretty much the same problem it has faced since the collapse of the housing bubble threw the world economy into recession in 2008-2009: a lack of aggregate demand. Prior to the collapse of housing bubbles in the U.S., much of Europe, and elsewhere, the demand created by these bubbles drove growth.

Not quite says  I:

The  Nixon shock of 1972 has run its course.  I doubt the blue will go much lower, so the red can't be jumped up, a little combinatorics tells us.  But, we are clearly taking a journey though the standard American monetary cycle.   I have to warn everyone, banker bot does a  monetary cycle every few days, you are gonna need a new dollar technology.

The central banker  needs to boot the US Senate from the member seat, or the bot is going to boot the central banker..

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