Friday, February 26, 2016

That is a bunch of guaranteed freedoms the 1789 Congress gave away

Cybersecurity expert John McAfee, who has vehementlyopposed the FBI's attempt to force Apple to create a back door into its iOS software, is taking his defense of the tech giant one step further.
McAfee claims the government is violating the 13th amendment, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, if it forces Apple to create the back door.

Timmy says first and fifth.  I say fourth and ex post facto.  Now we have a 13th.  If the local cops want access, we can include the 14th, and due process.  I say that Congress never had the right to writ any individual from the beginning, they have subpoena powers only as a burden on individuals. 

But unfortunately, the Supremes have a more potent force, Sotomayor and  Kagan.  The rights they guarantee are the ones that meet their politics.

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