Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Heterosexuals need to show up

The post suggests more sex, and implies heterosexual sex.  He does not believe the Stork theory, says populations are maintained by breeding.
Economics and Markets: Yesterday, the Fed pulled back its forecast of higher interest rates this year. Our economic overlords now plan to launch two rate hikes in 2016 instead of four, given the global risks that are showing up. I’m not convinced they’ll even do that much. But even if they do, it won’t matter. They simply don’t have the tools to address what ails the nation. Neither do any other central banks.
For years we’ve been warning that every developed nation is facing a demographic pandemic for which there’s no good solution. Long-term, each one has to figure out how to maintain its population, to say nothing of growing it. Without kids, we lose the major spending driver in the economy, as well as the working population of the next generation.
It’s the biggest economic story – and threat – of a generation, and almost no one is talking about it.
There’s only one solution. As I told Boom & Bust subscribers in their February issue: we need more sex.

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