Friday, July 1, 2016

Nothing so esoteric, it is simply the weather

VOX claims Canadians have been culturally adapted by policy to accept refugees.  Here VOX quotes the expert:

Bloemraad explains: A key aspect of the "Canadian model" lies in the view that immigration helps with nation building. Bolstered by the federal government, this view goes beyond political and intellectual elites to be embraced by a significant proportion of ordinary Canadians. Indeed, one recent paper found that, in Canada, those who expressed more patriotism were also more likely to support immigration and multiculturalism. In the United States this correlation went in the opposite direction: those expressing greater patriotism were more likely to express anti-immigrant attitudes.
My title says it all, the immigrants migrate South, to the US, sooner or later.  That is why Canada likes them.   Germany has a similar issue, migrants from the Middle Est are none to comfortable in the German bitter cold, and end up in France.

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