Thursday, August 11, 2016

Not quite so Donald

This blog has gone over this subject over and over again. Republicans cut taxes and increase spending, every time. Obama's regime actually reduced Bush's deficit at the fastest rate that deficits have been reduced under any and all presidents since Eisenhower. (yes, we did the V recovery, against a declining trend) 

Now the deficit is increasing again, and Obama has four months in which to go on a binge spending, deficit rising mania.  He could still not approach the level of Republican deficit driven binge spending.

Now we see Trump going all Kanosian on  us:
Donald Trump appeared to change his stance on the federal debt Thursday, saying that, with interest rates low, the U.S. should borrow money to spend on infrastructure rather than lowering the $14 trillion federal debt.
"This is the time to borrow," the Republican candidate said in an interview on CNBC Thursday morning.
"Normally, you would say you want to reduce your debt, and I would like to reduce debt too," Trump said, before explaining that "the problem is you have a military problem, you have an infrastructure problem — a tremendous infrastructure problem, and you have other problems. And also, the asset is your rates are so low."

Trump's campaign has previously stated implausibly ambitious goals for reducing or outright eliminating the federal debt. Trump has also, however, muddied the waters with ambiguous statements about refinancing or renegotiating the debt.
Donald, ever since you were in diapers we all knew one thing, you will run up the debt. 

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