Wednesday, September 14, 2016

We're gonna need the tennis coin

Some of us intend to die on the courts and we got a savings and loan problem.  We need a reliable flow of tennis balls, shoes, courts, and rackets.  

The tennis consumer can inform the tennis producers about our tennis intents if we have a supplemental tennis coin, operable automatically from our smart cards.  Then, when our life circumstances dictate a period of extended play, we might lower our tennis coin deposits, perhaps even take out a loan.

Once we pay for supplies with our tennis coin, our banker bots will see the significance, and match our tennis habits with the typical set of consumer items, allocating bits of tennis coin here and there.

Now tennis coin is very precise, and tradeable with the dollar.  It's precise because tennis players are quite a bit smarter than your average jock.  So, you watch how a tennis addict spreads his tennis events and you have a good measure of the economy.

The tennis industry association is a good place to start. Here is the tennis index.  Seems like a three bit system, make it four.  So, the tennis index is currently at the top end, its a bubble! See the dip in 2011?   But tennis coin lets the average person bet the index.

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