Friday, October 14, 2016

Can banker bot hold information?

Under your command, it will.  Held information is generally, though not always, a count of virtual coins it is holding.  But, all the card bots seek liquidity and stable betting sites, and yes, the betting site is transacting with a smart card.  So, in the collective, information is given right back to the human, after mark to market.  And, your personal time to mark is set by you.  That is the essence of money, monetize the flow of goods, and that is really the information of the economy. So bot always seeks to mark to market when the results look too significant. Its nature is that there are essentially no transaction costs here, except electricity.  It is entirely network independent, in fact, a real life robot could hide in the closet, compute a public key, write it down, then go to the door and exchange it with another real robot, by paper, and it would work. That system is as accurate as robots can hide from humans and scribble.

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