Monday, October 31, 2016

Encode up and decode down the graph

The traditional Huffman encoder goes from the leave to the root.  The value, uncoded, finds its slot at the bottom of the graph actually, the pit. As the original value travels up the tree is collects its code, the code  being the path.

So, the natural path down the nested block is decode, the encoded symbol resulting in the original.  So, for any bid, with low probability if acceptance, its bot will likely have a longer path down the graph to find a bid, and it is likely it reaches the bottom without a match and times out.  The system centers on liquidity, short oaths are liquid and cheaper transaction costs.  And, short paths are easier for the Pit Boss, leaving more cycles to the traders.  In the balance, the probability distribution of the accepts  should look bell shaped, it should conform to the shape of the noise that makes Shannon true.

The Pit Boss, in stress, may raise the price of cycles, as per contract.

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