Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How is my trader bot software?

What was the idea?

First, all aggregate betting sites can be organized as encoding graphs. Second, we organize the graph such that it is nested bock structure with a one to one mapping between nodes and  contiguous memory. Third, we get protected, verifiable, highly efficient completion of graph traversal by multiple users. Fourth, we limit the traversal 'vehicles' to verifiable operators, pre-installed and protected at he trading site.

And finally, fifth, all of this verifiable by end to end, peer to peer, tamper proof  smart card exchange protocol.

So, yea, software doing fine, 350 lines of code. Like the fifth time I have done this. I will make a snippet simulator of the system, make it a game. The standard unit of information is the graph itself, generally a convolution, and 'low pass' filtered version of it, matched to the published betting liquidity bound.  Or, using the popular term, a block chain in the form of compact graph.

All the bots use these, just like he traders use chart analysis.  Ultimately bot do algebra on these units of information and flash your light red or green. An extra ordinarily efficient, protected,  and fair trading system. Give me a hundred bucks a year, I can give every person one of these smart cards. It will pay for itself in about one week.

A block chain segment can be expensive information, but the bot transaction costs are unmeasurably small, just the $100 I collect from every human per year. So, from our perspective, the bot compact graphs will be the most accurate representation of the financial world we have, the automated trading system having unmeasurably high intelligence; as seen by hmans

A Huffman encoding system in which the data is never encoded and sent, only the encoding graph. But it is going to be the maximum entropy, minimum redundancy, generator of some aggregate process. Exactly the 'market' information needed to extract significance for the smart card holder.

All this depends on pricing, the probability of occurrence has to have significance.  Significance drives the queues, queues reshape the graph and make an adapted block chain, which feeds back to the traders

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