Sunday, October 16, 2016

How a Redneck installs programs in MS Windows

Step one, create a batch file like this, save it to your user directory, call it redneck_run.

cd C:\Users\matt\Python\Lib\tkinter

Step 2, start file explorer, and look under c:windows, or some related system directory and look and any short executable files that run just fine.  Dump your run batch file into that directory.

So, when you run your development environment, put redneck_run right in your icon, or on your command line.

The command takes you straight to the library folder your use, like tkinter, write your program right in that folder, import anything you need locally, do not frig with MS path statements, don't need to, you are a Redneck.

I always did it this way, because I always did lab work, never cared about making MS safe for the average user. The app guys knew how to fix my work up, when it is useful

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