Saturday, October 29, 2016

Queuing the bots

The point I am going to make is that all bid queues ultimately approach first in first out at the bottom of the array,as they pile in.  It is the outcome of stable queues,within the allowed liquidity preference, the bots are all driven to optimum precision, cycles cost, Optimum precision means queue sizes are small, four or five, so. everything in the pit looks like single priority FIFO.

So, everything coming in, should be smart card protocol approved, That means, just throw it in the pit of singletons on arrival,and your site graph operators, if running at stability, will get to it on time,mostly.  The protocol guarantees fees (rates) adjust to make sure queues are informative.  Doing so, makes the queues very efficient, scoff the next six or less, then tour operators looks them over and bubble them up, with multiple descends.  These site bots, hey will be dropping spawned bots down the top all of the time, making tiny adjustments and measurements in the free fall until they meet their spawner somewhere in the  net, or not, just fall through.

Requests, just price them to near equal priority. The Fed runs two graphs, deposits and borrows. They have yo be fairly coherent or the throttle is applied to make is so, pricing or rates.  The s bots no know difference,, just spots on the queue.

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