Saturday, December 10, 2016

I mostly worry about Schumer and Swamp rate fixing

Chucky: Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Saturday that he and Republican colleagues would call for a congressional investigation into Russia's reported involvement in the election.

I have a secret for you. Chucky.  New Yawkers should be much more afraid of the sudden $722 million in pension payments DaBlosio had to pay up the other day.   I am a little concerned since one of the largest cities, NYC, is facing another financial crisis, in the same town where you and the debt cartel hang out; with you and all those Senators having insider trading license.

But you days are soon over, there Chucky, because we can deploy Wikipit!, (Pit.boss=CongressionalTrader) and all those Senate insiders can trade insider news anonymously, and betters will pay them; your insider rig will be no more.

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