Saturday, December 10, 2016

Let us look close at our proposed block chain 'router'

We are setting up a trading pit in which request to verify transactions buy requests to verify.  Miners on one side, transactors on the other.

Define two stream, discrete, two continuing lists of prices 1) willing to pay, and another, 2) Needed to service.  How long the streams?  That is, how big is the Huffman window when the probability tree is quantized to force elastic pricing between some part of the stream.  Well, the Huffman window is on the tree, it is the tree, it is just partially coded at any given moment, but the bid and ask are always bubbling up toward the root, and when the pit boss has nodes on the two trees within a quant, it is compress prices and issue the work order, bit error split evenly.

Miners and transacters can scan the tree, in a millisecond, the tree is damn fast on descent, as fast a structure scan as can happen, nested block. So, when you pay for something with bit coin, you tag is with a priority index.  The request to verify gets handled by the standard trader bot at the auction site, and it interprets your priority index relative to the current scan of the graph, create an ask price,, and places your request onto the graph.\

This is a no brainer, there should be, right now, a project on Github to get this done, in Python.  And I will be hunting for a secure python interpreter, so python folks, get in gear, please.  We actually have smart cards under manufacture now that meet our requirements, a few more posts of me bitching like hell and we will be ready for the helicopter droppings.

 Mathematically, the auction system, and any trading pit, simply forces the aggregate participants to form a group, mathematically, a cotangent ring in particular. If they don't price properly,  they degenerate.  The pit boss is nothing more than an active quantum field, as in physics.

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