Thursday, December 22, 2016

Ring pricing, easily understood

In the European  system, twice through the loop with Greece, and everyone has seen the innovation twice,.  That is a jump in pricing stability, and a quantization lock.

OK, at a lock, let us say the clock, or pit boss, carries one standard unit variance.  When the innovation runs a loop, the clock cannot be locked, kinetic motion is in progress.      Hence, the clock has greater than one unit variance, likely 1.5 times that.  Note, by clock we mean the thing that holds bit error as the typical sequence is generated. The bit error should be a direct measure of variance, but it has spectra.

When did the pit boss change?    There was no known loop, in the graph prior to the discovery. All known loops get extinguished, they are redundant.  We cannot help ourselves, we never stand in line twice to pay for one thing.

 Europe assumed a lock, but Europe found the loop, and Europe transfers energy from the pit boss.  It must now be more precise.   The banks will contract )or expand)  the loop until it is unobservable. again. The arbitrage moments extinguished. The pits spawn or unspawn to make it so.

Once the net looks like a spanning tree, again, then inventory ratios can be stabilized, and ratio algebra works, once again. You get the channel effect.

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