Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How many rich people do we need to be stable?

The top rich in Europe in the long run of history (1300 to present day)
Abstract: Recent research into the share of wealth owned by the richest households has given us important insights into trends in inequality. This column shows how we can now estimate the share of wealth owned by the richest households in Europe, and how many they numbered, from 1300 to the present day. Throughout this time, the only significant declines in inequality were the result of the Black Death and the World Wars.

The stable point is clearly 60%, or 60% of the wealth held by 10% of the folks. We could improve on that with Redneck Sandbox architecture.

 The poor bunch up in the queues and get erratic pricing.  Poor people  cannot observe the no hedge path; they have no pure cash layer. The architecture fixes this, and the queues unjam.

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